Howdy, Partner!

Badlands will be a Twine game about your character which you will be able to customize. The game will not decide who you are or who you will be. That will all be in your hands.

I've been inspired to make this due to my enjoyment of old Western movies as well as my interest in the pulp novels that came before then. Of course, as fun as those movies and novels are, they do not offer much in terms of inclusivity or representation. In the time since then, as RPG games have grown in popularity, there has been an attempt to open up these kinds of stories to those who did not see themselves in the protaganist before. Unfortunately, those games occasionally fall short. I hope to succeed at this attempt.

One of the problems I think I will come up against is having the project end at a satisfactory place. At this moment, I do not think I will be able to expand this as much as I would really like. That leads into one of the other issues I think I will come up against. There is a lot of stuff I would need to write for the possible versions of the story that will be influenced by the player's actions. Also, I would like to add sounds and images (especially for the character's appearance & inventory) to the game.